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Moscow Blog

About Moscow Blog

Reflections from our correspondents on the ground in the Russian capital.

MOSCOW BLOG: what the hell is going on at Wildberries? A new ZAO Kremlin pair in the making?

July 24, 2024

There is a very weird story unfolding in Russia’s tech sector. The leading e-commerce platform Wildberries is in a very odd merger with an outdoor billboard company called Russ that is ten times smaller than it and brings nothing to the party.

MOSCOW BLOG: Modi & Orban go to Moscow

July 9, 2024

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is getting it in the neck from the rest of the Western allies for going to Russia to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and daring to talk about peace.

MOSCOW BLOG: The economic Putin hikes taxes

May 30, 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin has just hiked taxes on everyone for the first time in more than 20 years and has introduced a progressive tax system.

MOSCOW BLOG: Putin's guns and butter plan

May 17, 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin was on a lovefest to China this week as the two continue to move closer together. But before he left, Putin told its military bosses that they need to focus on both guns and butter as he plans for the long term.

MOSCOW BLOG: foreign agents and bank sector clean ups – the FSU still looks to Russia for ideas

April 30, 2024

Georgian oligarch and éminence grise Bidzina Ivanishvili gave a very bonkers speech on April 29 at the pro-government rally in Tbilisi that has been rocked by protests against the proposed "foreign agents law." That is a Russian innovation.
