South Africa

Rising carbon emissions will drive the clouds from the sky

Ben Aris in Berlin July 20, 2024

The clouds may disappear from the skies within the next century, which would cause temperatures to leap by as much as 12C and force most of humanity to move to the polar ice caps.

Africa's energy ambitions stifled by investment shortfall

Newsbase July 15, 2024

Africa's economic and social development hinges on access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy. Despite vast energy resources, the continent remains energy poor and lacks sufficient investment to just keep up with population growth.

IMF: Three quarters of the world’s wealth is owned by 10% of its people, who account for half of the CO2 emissions

bne IntelliNews July 15, 2024

The state of global inequality is alarming, showing no significant improvement over the past century, according to the World Inequality Report 2022,

Where is income inequality worst – Statista

Anna Fleck for Statista July 11, 2024

The Global Wealth Report 2024 was released on July 10 by the Swiss bank UBS, highlighting where wealth inequalities have grown the furthest. South Africa comes top of the list, scoring 82 out of 100.

Global access to energy starts to fall for the first time in a decade, says IEA

bne IntelliNews July 1, 2024

Population growth means that for the first time in a decade access to global energy has begun to fall despite the massive investment going into clean energy to fight the climate crisis, the International Energy Agency said in a new report.

Over a billion people's food supplies threatened by the accelerating climate crisis by 2050

Ben Aris in Berlin June 26, 2024

Extreme heat this summer has already killed 1,300 Muslims on the annual hajj to Mecca, but climate change threatens the lives of far more people if crops start failing due to rising heat and water stress, recent research has shown.

IMF: Dollar’s "stealth erosion" in global reserves by other currencies

Serkan Arslanalp for the IMF, Barry Eichengreen, Chima Simpson-Bell June 11, 2024

The US dollar's share in global reserve currencies is falling steadily, but instead of being replaced by one of the "big four" alternatives – euro, yen, and pound – central banks are buying currencies like the Chinese yuan.

Where wealth is concentrated in Africa

Anna Fleck for Statista May 30, 2024

56 percent of Africa’s millionaires and over 90 percent of its billionaires lived in just five countries in 2023 - South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya and Morocco, according to The Africa Wealth Report 2024.

“Silent demise” of world’s vast rangelands threatens food supply of billions, warns UNCCD report

bne IntelliNews May 21, 2024

Sixty-plus experts examine degradation caused by land overuse and misuse, climate change and biodiversity loss.

BRICS currency is coming soon, Iranian ambassador

bne Tehran bureau May 19, 2024

Iran is actively participating in initiatives under Russia's leadership in BRICS, with the two countries working towards creating a single currency for the bloc, Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali said to local media.

Russia's nuclear diplomacy binding emerging markets to the Kremlin

Ben Aris in Berlin May 14, 2024

Currently, Rosatom controls approximately 70% of the world export market for the construction of nuclear power plants where emerging powers in the global south are trying to boost their energy production and turning to Moscow for nuclear power.
