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Visegrad Blog

About Visegrad Blog

Reflections from our correspondents on the ground in the four Central European countries of Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

VISEGRAD BLOG: Can Europe stand firm in its support for Ukraine as it struggles to contain Russian aggression?

July 3, 2024

With the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Bulgaria and probably Austria this autumn lurching to the right, isn’t it only a matter of time before the balance in Europe shifts in favour of pressuring Kyiv to accept “peace” on the Kremlin's terms?

VISEGRAD BLOG: Making populists own austerity

June 22, 2024

When they submit their budget correction plans to the EU this autumn, it will be vital that the new Commission ensures that the two populist governments really own the austerity they have to impose.

VISEGRAD BLOG: Rise of far right in CEE's European elections is a worrying sign for the future

June 10, 2024

Far-right parties are now an established part of the political spectrum in CEE member states, but they are not yet topping the polls as in the eye-catching results in France, Belgium and Austria in Western Europe.

VISEGRAD BLOG: New Slovak President Peter Pelligrini will not just be Robert Fico's stooge

April 9, 2024

Pellegrini will face a serious dilemma over how to react to the populist government’s attempts to curb the independence of judges, public service media and NGOs, which risk provoking a rule of law battle with the next European Commission.

VISEGRAD BLOG: Governments battle central banks in Poland and Hungary

March 14, 2024

The apparent threats to central bank independence are now worrying markets and the European Central Bank.
