Ameriabank clinches fourth consecutive title as Armenia's best bank in sustainable financing

By bne IntelliNews March 12, 2024

Ameriabank has maintained its position as Armenia's leading financial institution for sustainable financing, winning the  title for the fourth year in a row. The recognition is due to the bank's  commitment to financing initiatives aimed at combatting the negative effects of climate change and promoting a sustainable future.

Global Finance magazine awarded this honour after an extensive evaluation process that considered applications from 53 countries and regions. The criteria included an assessment of management policies, declared goals, and measurable achievements in sustainable financing for environmental and social programmes.

Joseph Giaraputo, founder and editor-in-chief of Global Finance magazine, emphasised the increasing demand for sustainable investments due to concerns about climate change, regulatory shifts, and heightened investor awareness. He noted that innovations in cleantech, green finance tools, and data analytics are making sustainable finance more attractive and accessible, creating new market opportunities for banks.

Since 2009, Ameriabank has allocated over $225 million to finance energy-saving and efficiency projects, with the backing of international financial institutions and investors. The bank's commitment extends to innovative initiatives such as green bonds, which align with international standards like the International Capital Markets Association's Green Bond Principles and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.


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