Latest Posts from Istanbul Blog

Istanbul Blog

About Istanbul Blog

Reflections from our correspondents on the ground in the Turkish capital.

ISTANBUL BLOG: Bizarre “own goal” in football fed poll and laughable light switch protest underline ineptitude of opposition

July 23, 2024

Is it any wonder Erdogan regime feels secure with opponents like these?

ISTANBUL BLOG: Great day for “Turkey is back” hype industry as FATF pulls country from grey list

July 1, 2024

Erdogan regime has been claiming, and much of the media has been circulating, that capital inflows will boom.

ISTANBUL BLOG: Handbrake on rates and lira, even as wheels are turning

May 26, 2024

Erdogan administration’s full control of FX market endures.

ISTANBUL BLOG: Fiscally frightening? Let’s talk up some tightening

May 13, 2024

The Erdogan regime is, of course, not really in a position to cut its spending.
