Bosnias IT market up 5.1% to USD 277mn in 2011 IDC Adriatics.

By bne IntelliNews July 2, 2012
Bosnias IT market rose 5.1% in US dollar terms to almost USD 277mn in 2011, market research company IDC Adriatics said on its website last month. In local currency terms the growth was 0.1%. IDC Bosnias IT market expanding by further 0.8% this year and increasing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.1% to reach USD 339mn in 2016. In 2011, Bosnia's per capita IT spending stood at USD 60, equal to 6.3% of the EU27 average and well below the USD 141 average of the Adriatic region. Last years IT spending in Bosnia increased largely thanks to a surge in IT-related spending by the utility and transportation sectors, IDC Adriatics managing director Boris Zitnik was quoted as saying in the statement. IT services and packaged software increased last year thanks to several fairly large implementations. PC sales also rose in 2011, boosted by the introduction of media tablets, which immediately took off in a big way, the report said.

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