Iranian foreign minister meets with Israel's enemies in diplomatic flurry

Iranian foreign minister meets with Israel's enemies in diplomatic flurry
Iranian foreign minister met with the head of Lebanon's Hezbollah in Beirut as tensions remain high on the Israel-Lebanon border. / bne IntelliNews
By bne IntelIiNews October 13, 2023

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian met the head of the Tehran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon on October 13, al-Mayadeen television reported.

Abdollahian, who arrived in Beirut late on October 12, met Hassan Nasrallah to discuss the aftermath of the deadly operation by Hamas militants against Israel and the latter's subsequent attack on Gaza.

The Iranian foreign minister previously visited Iraq and attempted to fly to Syria beforehand but was thwarted by an Israeli airstrike on the main runway of Damascus airport earlier in the day, according to flight data.

The Syrian government reported that the airport was closed along with Allepo’s main airport due to emergency repairs, forcing a cancellation of all flights to the two locations.

Following his visit to Iraq, the Iranian diplomat proceeded to Lebanon and held a meeting with the Prime Minister of Lebanon, Najib Mikati October 13 morning.

Upon his arrival at Beirut–Rafic Hariri International Airport, Iran’s Foreign Minister said that we are in Beirut to announce loudly, together with Islamic countries and governments, that “we will not tolerate the Zionist regime's crime against the people of Gaza”.

Abdollahian added that Iran will continue to support Palestine and the “resistance movement” in the occupied territories.

“Some Western officials asked me if it is possible to open new fronts against the Zionist regime, and I said that with continuing war crimes by the Zionists, any possibility from other resistance currents is possible", he added.

Before his departure, the Iranian foreign minister addressed reporters in Tehran and stated the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories is the primary source of crises in West Asia.

He also said that the Zionist regime is attempting to massacre the entire population of the Gaza Strip by committing war crimes against civilians, imposing a total blockade, and depriving Palestinians of essential necessities such as electricity and water.

Earlier in the week, a group of Iranian lawmakers announced they would travel to Israel’s neighbours to hold meetings with Palestinian Hamas and other groups opposed the Jewish state, a member of parliament said, IRNA reported on October 11.

Chairman of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, Vahid Jalalzadeh, expressed parliament's full support for the “Palestinian Resistance,” a term Iran uses for groups fighting Israel.

He said there was a strong possibility that a delegation of Iranian lawmakers would travel to neighbouring states of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, such as Syria and Lebanon, to meet with Palestinian militants.

Jalalzadeh also admitted that the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission held a meeting in Tehran with representatives of the Islamic Jihad Movement and Hamas to assess the latest developments in the Gaza Strip and the occupied territories.

On October 7, Hamas launched a large-scale operation with heavy rocket fire in response to Israel’s actions against Palestinians.

The Israeli military also announced that it was launching Operation Iron Swords in response to the attack where it had pummelled Gaza with rockets, killing more than 1,000 people.

On October 8, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voted to declare war and create a government of national unity.

The death toll on both the Palestinian and Zionist sides rises sharply as the conflict between them continues.

