European Commission forecasts 6.1% GDP growth this year for Turkey.

By bne IntelliNews May 16, 2011
The European Commission (EC) releases its predictions in the Spring 2011 Forecasts Report. The EC revised the GDP growth for Turkey for 2011 to 6.1% from the 5.5% in the autumn 2010 report. The GDP growth forecast of the EC for 2012 was also lifted to 5.5% from 4.5%. The EC expects the CA deficit to widen to 7.7% of GDP this year, from 6.7% in 2010 and the current account gap is forecast to increase further to 8.1% of GDP in 2012. The central government budget deficit expectation of the EC for 2011 is 2.8% of GDP and 2.2% in 2012.

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