Autodesk acquires Novi Sad-based startup Wonder Dynamics

Autodesk acquires Novi Sad-based startup Wonder Dynamics
The deal expands Autodesk's capabilities in the media and entertainment sector. / Autodesk
By bne IntelliNews May 23, 2024

Autodesk, a developer of 3D tools, announced its acquisition of Wonder Dynamics, a Novi Sad-based startup specialising in AI-driven visual effects and character creation, on May 21.

The announcement marks a significant expansion of Autodesk's capabilities in the media and entertainment sector. Diana Colella, executive vice president of media and entertainment at Autodesk, highlighted the strategic importance of the acquisition.

“Bringing Wonder Dynamics into the Autodesk Media & Entertainment portfolio extends our history of empowering artists with innovative and accessible solutions that break down barriers to entry.”

Founded in 2016 by Serbian VFX artist Nikola Todorovic and American actor Tye Sheridan, Wonder Dynamics has developed technology that enables creators to generate complex characters and visual effects with unprecedented ease.

Prior to the acquisition, Wonder Dynamics raised a total of $12.5mn in two funding rounds. TechCrunch noted the startup's breakthrough in making complex VFX processes as simple as dragging an icon onto an actor.

Both founders of Wonder Dynamics are set to join the Autodesk team, bringing their expertise and innovative approach to the company's expanding suite of tools.

