Romania to auction EUR 2bn Craiova-Pitesti motorway.

By bne IntelliNews March 12, 2013
Romania's public roads operator, CNADNR, has announced it plans to auction the contract for the 121.2km Craiova-Pitesti motorway, estimated to cost some RON 9bn (EUR 2bn approx.) including VAT, news agency Mediafax reported. The details of the project, including whether it would be a motorway or just a bigger road, have not been agreed yet. Bids will be accepted until May 8. The route would link Craiova, where the Ford motor company operates a plant, with the capital Bucharest and further with the Constanta port. The project was shortlisted by PM Victor Ponta earlier in January among the country's key investment projects along with the Bucuresti-Brasov motorway, the 3rd and 4th nuclear reactors at the Cernavoda nuke, the reversible hydropower plant Tarnita, the Siret-Baragan channel and the Braila-Macin bridge over the Danube.

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