Uzbekistan attracts $7.5bn in FDI in 9M23

By Muzaffar Ismailov in Tashkent December 5, 2023

Uzbekistan attracted $7.5bn in foreign direct investment (FDI) in 9M23, marking a 16% y/y gain, according to the Institute of Macroeconomic and Regional Studies (IMRS). The investment volume in fixed assets during the period amounted to $18.4bn, up 11.8% y/y.

The investment productivity index (IPI) was used in compiling the data. It shows how the volume of monetary injections into a region relate to its contribution to the development of the country. A value of 1.0 indicates a functional policy in attracting investments for sustainable development.

Syrdarya took first place on both the IPI and for FDI. Its IPI reading for investments in fixed assets was 2. For FDI, including loans, it was 3.93.

Bukhara region placed second with 1.67 for investments in fixed assets and 1.78 for FDI. The Jizzakh was third with readings of 1.48 and 1.65, respectively.

The IPI analyses only the volume of investments at the regional level. It does not take into account issues of quality, the IMRS emphasised.

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