US envoy warns Kosovo unrest could erupt into regional war

US envoy warns Kosovo unrest could erupt into regional war
/ bne IntelliNews
By Valentina Dimitrievska in Skopje June 21, 2023

US envoy Gabriel Escobar has warned that the crisis in northern Kosovo has the potential to transform into an international and regional conflict if left unaddressed. 

Western diplomats are urgently trying to calm the situation in northern Kosovo, and have emphasised the need for de-escalation.

The situation in the volatile region escalated recently when four mayors, accompanied by special police protection, entered municipal buildings, leading to protests and subsequent injuries to Nato peacekeeping troops in the following days.

The mayors had been elected in local municipal elections boycotted by the Serb majority in April. As a consequence, Kosovo Albanian candidates emerged victorious with a low voter turnout of just 3.5%.

Serbian forces then apprehended three Kosovo police officers on June 14, triggering accusations of illegal border crossings from both sides.

In response, Kosovo's PM Albin Kurti implemented a ban on vehicles with Serbian license plates from entering the territory.

Speaking on a joint video conference hosted by the Atlantic Council with EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak, Escobar called for the immediate release of the three arrested Kosovo police officers, and reaffirmed the US's commitment to seeing Kosovo join the EU and Nato.

The two diplomats discussed recent developments in the region, the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, US-EU cooperation in the region, and strategies to ensure the implementation of the Ohrid and Brussels agreements.

Lajcak stressed the importance of resolving the Kosovo issue by the end of 2023, as it may lose international attention next year.

“Since May 26, we have had people on the streets, there is the Kosovo police and KFOR. We have seen several incidents, but right now the first priority is to get people off the streets, the situation to de-escalate and to return to dialogue" Lajcak said.

Lajcak said he firmly believes that a meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo’s PM Albin Kurti in Brussels will be arranged soon. He underscored that the first step towards de-escalation should come from Pristina, urging the authorities to instruct Albanian mayors not to work from municipal offices.

“The Kosovo issue must be resolved by the end of the year, because in 2024, Kosovo will not be in the centre of attention. There are elections in the US, Europe … We must return to the negotiating table as soon as possible,” said Lajcak.

The EU recently called for the unconditional participation of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo's PM Kurti in the meeting led by EU's High Representative Josep Borrell.

