
KSE: Stepping up economic sanctions is urgently needed to constrain Russia

Kyiv School of Economics July 23, 2024

Energy sanctions continue to face challenges, while Russia’s favourable external environment supports its economy and fiscal stability. These trends clearly show that the pressure on Russia is insufficient.

CBR: Russia’s inflation pressure easing, but monetary policy will be tighter for longer

Central Bank of Russia in Moscow July 17, 2024

In April-June the disinflation trend unfolded, not least because of volatile and one-off factors. However, underlying inflationary pressures in the economy were up as well. Monetary policy will be tighter for longer as a result.

COLLINGWOOD: Atlanticists vs. Autonomists - The battle for the strategic future of the European Union

Andrew Collingwood in Tyneside July 17, 2024

In Europe’s capital cities and among its elites a great but undeclared battle is being fought for the future of the European Union. One side is heavily outgunned. The other side is dominant. But the race is on.

HESS: Georgia’s dreams dying as EU accession suspended

bne IntelliNews July 15, 2024

On June 9 the EU announced the suspension of Georgia’s accession talks and on June 11, the declaration that followed this year's annual Nato Summit failed to include the phrase “Georgia will become a member of the Alliance"

ING: Sharp drop in Turkey’s annual current account deficit

Turkey chief economist Muhammet Mercan at ING July 12, 2024

Turkey’s current account gap narrowed in May mainly due to an improving foreign trade balance, while capital flows significantly accelerated, leading to a jump in official reserves

COMMENT: Armenia needs a green light from Brussels to fulfil its European dream

Robert Ananyan in Yerevan July 12, 2024

Only with economic guarantees will Pashinyan's government take the big step of shaking up economic relations with Russia.

KSE: 54% of foreign companies operating in Russia have chosen to stay

Kyiv School of Economics July 11, 2024

At the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine KSE Institute launched an analytical project, which was named “SelfSanctions”, to track which foreign companies left the market.

KSE: Assessing Russia’s shadow fleet build up

Kyiv School of Economics July 10, 2024

KSE Institute has presented a study “Assessing Russia’s Shadow Fleet: Initial Build-Up, Links to the Global Shadow Fleet, and Future Prospects”.

KSE: Russian oil tracker (ROT) – revenues down despite higher volumes

Kyiv School of Economics July 10, 2024

In May 2024, Russian oil export revenues dropped to $16.8bn, despite higher export volumes, according to the KSE Institute’s June ‘Russian Oil Tracker.’ Increased export volumes and the shadow fleet did not compensate for the lower prices.

ING: What is the impact of immigration on eurozone inflation?

bne IntelliNews July 8, 2024

Immigration can affect inflation and, in turn, monetary policy in two opposing ways. And the jury’s still out as to its overall impact on the eurozone.

THE VIEW FROM MITTELEUROPA: The new Dual Monarchy? Orban and Kickl's far-right pact

Marcus How in Vienna July 2, 2024

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban may soon find that he has a steady ally in Vienna that is willing to join his Central European axis.

CENUSA: "Multi-vector" foreign policy and European integration: the case of Georgia

Denis Cenusa in Germany July 1, 2024

There is a preconceived idea that if a country signs up to the enlargement policy of the European Union, its foreign policy becomes uniform and "Europeanised", manifestly strictly pro-European.

KSE: Assessing Russia`s shadow fleet

Kyiv School of Economics June 30, 2024

Russia’s shadow fleet currently consists of 435 tankers and aims to circumvent sanctions on Russian oil, specifically the G7/EU price cap.

COMMENT: Why China sat out on the Ukraine's Swiss peace summit

Ben Aris in Berlin June 25, 2024

China’s failure to show up for Ukraine’s Swiss peace summit in mid-June was a major setback in Kyiv’s attempts to set a new benchmark for the international support of its military struggle with Russia and an attempt to rally the Global South.

Israel emerging as source of tension in Azerbaijan’s special relationship with Turkey

Bahruz Samadov for Eurasianet June 25, 2024

War in Gaza and domestic politics in Turkey create cracks in Azerbaijani-Turkish alliance.

COMMENT: The Kremlin moves to normalise relations with Afghanistan's Taliban

bne IntelliNews June 24, 2024

Ahead of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June, Moscow has handed a public relations victory to the Taliban by proposing to take it off the Kremlin's terrorist list.
